Thursday, March 18, 2010

in which the Lady of the Manor needs therapy

Last week, Ben was on break from college.
In his dad's vocabulary, that meant Ben was available to work at home.

-which is fine with Ben. He got to demolish things. Like this temporary wall.

I lived with it for three months and now that it is gone, I hardly remember its presence.

After it was gone and all the pink insulation rolled up and carted away, the guys hardly knew what to do next.

Not really. If they stood still for a few moments, its was only to catch their breath before diving back in.As for me, I climbed up into the loft and snapped pictures.

This was my view to the left:

and the view straight ahead:

Someday soon, a woodstove will replace that three-story tower of tools.

Dear me. This picture doesn't belong.

But as long as it showed up, I might as well admit that I traveled to Ottawa to see the National Arts Center Orchestra last week. It had something to do with needing structure and perfection in my life -where previously there had been weeks and weeks of clutter, dust, and cacophony.

Wait. This picture doesn't belong either.

It surely means that the Lady of the Manor escaped the premises via kayak.
In the middle of March!
whilst glacier-like structures still perch on the frigid and perilously swift waters!

Henceforth, I promise to keep to the subject at hand; namely, the kitchen project -and leave my therapeutic ventures to another blog.

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