Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Demolition Derby

We are ripping off this 1959 addition and replacing it with a family room, guest room, office, and bath.

Everyone around here knows that when I say "WE", I really mean W.E. Hull, Lord of the Manor and Receiver of Undying Gratitude from Lady of the Manor.

In this picture, W.E. Hull is employing a crow bar to loosen things up a bit.
Please note the curious and blaring tone of pink on the walls. Also note the Adirondack-themed wallpaper border.

Good-bye, pink walls! Fare thee well, pine-cone and moose-bedecked paper!
Your days are numbered.

After the windows were yanked, this is how things stood. So serenely quiet!

And then the harumphing equipment arrived. The Cat was manned by this young man.:

He made many, many tracks in my yard. I would have said "lawn", but that would just make me cry. "Yard" is so much more....nondescript.

If the noise of a growling front end-loader doesn't rock your socks, this industrial jackhammer will. It will rock anything attached to your body, including teeth. It will also rock every nail in your house and every molecule in your poor brain.

A jackhammer of this magnitude will send housewives fleeing from their kitchens with aprons over their heads, begging for mercy.

"Do you or do you not want a new kitchen?" says W.E.

"I do." says Housewife.

-and that is not the first time she said "I do" and it changed her life.

The much-anticipated lunch break was taken outside. No one spoke much. The quiet was much too precious to waste. The only noise was the river tripping over stones at the bottom of the bank.
Large machines were then re-fired for The Pull Down.

I wanted to get a video of The Pull Down, but fear gripped me and I ran away.

I would like to thank the Demo Team for all their hard work. When I get my new kitchen, they will be richly rewarded.

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE hearing about your renovation exploits. Keep 'em coming, please!
