Thursday, April 8, 2010

the new garden

There are so many projects happening here at our old stone home.
Yesterday, for example, the Lord of the Manor decided to make our garden bed.

In the very back of the property, there is a barn yard full of years & years of sheep manure. The goal was to transfer that rich soil from there....

-to here, the front side yard.

I agree; it is an unusual place to have the vegetable garden, in full view of the traffic cruising by. But the full sun is quite the draw, along with the fact that we will never use this piece of yard for anything else.

Also, as the Lady of the Manor, I will be able to keep a snooping eye on who comes in and out of our little town on the river as I yank weeds and swat black flies. See this post for how I can entertain the neighborhood.

We were making this up as we went along. How would we edge the front slope? How close to the road do we pile the dirt? What about a path from the front porch?

The LOTM solved some of these puzzles with the idea of a stone retainer wall. He trucked load after load of the stone from the demolished chimney (dubbed "The Tower", as you may recall) to the front yard. Then, without much fanfare, he began to build a stone wall.

"Have you ever built a wall before?" I inquired hopefully.

Grunt. "Nope," he said in between heaving large rocks into place.

Our front foyer window will give me a beautiful view of the bunnies munching on my spinach.

1 comment:

  1. you're lucky to get sheep poop. some people just wouldn't understand.
