Monday, March 7, 2011

more of The Cottage

Stepping out our back door, I find a cheerful blue sky.

Down at the entrance to "The Cottage" I look back to our old stone home to take in a deep breath of fresh air and admire the freshly fallen snow.

As much as I am aching for spring, I still find it within me to enjoy the winter view.

Inside, the LOTM is requesting coffee. But first, I snap some shots of his work in progress.

The upstairs bedrooms are framed. (The installation of two dormers will have to wait for warmer weather!)
Pardon me while I am distracted by the view of the river from the upstairs windows.

Turning 90 degrees from that fantastic view, one can see down into the kitchen. The ceiling will remain open to the upstairs landing -which, by the way, will be THE PLACE to sip coffee and check the laptop in the morning.

Here is the landing, with temporary railing for safety's sake. We are scouting for some reclaimed iron or wood for the final railing.

This is the view from the kitchen looking up! What a lovely, cozy place this is going to be!


  1. huh, you must have hired quite the architect for that project...

  2. Ben: we still need groovy input for a few touches that will make it "snap".

  3. Next time I am up north I need to visit and also see this work in progress. Mr. Hull certainly certainly has no shortage of projects to work on between the new CFC building and this. Keep up the great work!

  4. Looks great! When might we be able to move in?
