Sunday, September 12, 2010

full speed ahead

Finally things are getting quite interesting around here. It's full steam ahead on the back wing!

This was the view looking to the back wing from the kitchen island on Saturday morning. The flagstones are scattered on the floor. They are awaiting the Young Master's touch to become the wood-stove hearth.

Over to the left is the Old Master ( the LOTM, as he is known) kneeling in the mudroom hallway. I have chosen the hue of this hallway: Chocolate Raspberry.

I figured if it didn't look good, I could always eat it.

Behind me, in the bowels of the kitchen, my domestic slave is sorting through our pantry goods. We moved the pantry back into the kitchen from the dining room, where it had resided for a month.

Don't ask why.

In the back yard, the LOTM expresses himself with spray paint.

This is not a modern sculpture for the garden. This is the handrail for the spiral staircase.

These are the treads.

The Young Master is putting his jigsaw puzzle skills to good use. He is numbering the flagstones with chalk so he can build the framework.

See with what artistic gestures he attends his craft?

Afterward, he sweeps. I like that in a guy.

Speaking of things I like in a guy, how about rolling two coats of paint in a gigantic room? He did a fantastic job! The Lady of the Manor will now trim the windows with a dainty trim brush.

We have a new fan, too.

We even have an expired building permit. Cool.

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