Tuesday, June 16, 2009

a day in the life

Ana is a very resourceful girl. She loves to bake, and with a non-functioning oven in the un-remodeled kitchen, her groove has been majorly disturbed.

So, what's a girl to do? Simple: make no-bakes. Double-batch. Mmmm.

This pic has nothing to do with today's triumph in the kitchen, except she is likely washing down a few cookies with a cool drink after snacking on the porch. I know how she works.

I got the hankering to go grocery shopping last night. Strange, but I went with my gut. All went very well; I came home with a bountiful trunk o' edible junk around 10:30 pm. Then, I remembered THE WALKWAY.

Presently, the only way to get groceries (or what-have-you) into the house is to either climb the front porch stairs or traverse the sloping gravel-and-cement walk from the driveway.
Since a roost of bats hunkers in the broken ceiling of the front porch (death to bats), I chose the sloping and dimly-lit walk.

This morning, I decided to rid this pathway of its weeds and overgrown no-name perennials in order to actually SEE it in dim light.

No groceries were harmed in the traveling of this path in the dark, but I almost walked into a small tree with a jug of orange juice.

I could not resist throwing my kayak into the river before the sun went down. On one side, the long shadows submerge the grassy bank. On the other side, wedges of sunlight make everything shine like emeralds.

Monet would pull up his easel to a sight like this one. And since I never made it to the Metropolitan Museum last month, I'll have to find some living art to sate my culture taste-buds.


  1. I love your bit of Monet. That's about the extent of my culture these days, too. Sometimes I pour milk next to my kitchen window and call myself The Milkmaid. And I check "Vermeer" in my to-do box.

  2. if you give the boys a sponge bath, that could count as Cassat or Renoir, too!

  3. Say, don't kill those bats, just give them a home a little farther from your porch. Did you know that one bat can eat thousands of mosquitoes in an hour? Being next to that river, you'll be happy to have a few of those late-night wingers on your side.

  4. yes, I am determined to put up some "bat-boxes" closer to the river bank.

    we can't enjoy the front porch after dusk with bats flying over our heads!
